About iPay.ua

In 2008, the TCGroup * consortium, which has 18 years of experience in the production of plastic cards, ATMs, sim cards, and software, decided to develop the domestic market for internet payments, which was just emerging at that time in Ukraine.

This is how the Universal Data Center company was created, which, borrowing the experience of foreign payment systems and banks, launched its own payment service, known today on the market under the trademark iPay.ua. "Universal Data Center" LLC is the owner of the iPay.ua website, cooperates with "UPR" LLC according to contracts and has the status of a technological operator of payment services.

iPay.ua is an all-Ukrainian service for accepting payments on the internet, through which everyone can pay for services and goods on the iPay.ua website or the iPay.ua partner website using a Visa or Mastercard from any bank in the world.

"Universal Payment Solutions" LLC is a member of the following payment systems:

Indirect participant of the systems:

  • Mastercard
    Full name: Mastercard International Incorporated
    Date of inclusion in the payment infrastructure register: September 10, 2014
    Official page on the NBU website: https://bank.gov.ua/ua/payments/payment-systems/8c01297f1693f449128451a25feaeaf2
    Official address: 2000 Purchase Street, Purchase, New York 10577, United States of America (US)
    Representation in Ukraine: "Mastercard Europe SA", 01030, Ukraine, Kyiv, Bohdan Khmelnytsky Street, 17/52, office 404A
  • Visa
    Full name: Visa International Service Association
    Date of inclusion in the payment infrastructure register: December 18, 2014
    Official page on the NBU website: https://bank.gov.ua/ua/payments/payment-systems/e48247d63984aa482285bee70ff8e2b3
    Official address: 900 Metro Centre Boulevard, Foster City, State of California, United States of America 94404
    Representation in Ukraine: LLC "Visa Ukraine", CEMEA Region, Kyiv, 1033, Ukraine, Khmelnytsky Street, 19−21 BC "Leonardo"

Mission of iPay.ua

To promote the development of the Ukrainian internet payments market and its security.

To popularize internet payments among citizens of Ukraine

To allow every Ukrainian to pay for services and goods most conveniently - on the internet.

Implement the latest technologies and methods of protecting card data, ensuring maximum security of payers during online payments.

To develop your own methods of protection against online fraud and offer them to the market to protect not only iPay.ua customers but also clients of other payment services and banks.

To develop the business of our partners - suppliers of services and goods, providing their clients with a modern and most comfortable payment method.

iPay.ua today is:

  • hundreds of thousands of clients, which successfully use the all-Ukrainian payment service.
  • Our partners are leading banks of country, that provide the reliable and trouble-free process of realization of internet-payments:
    • SC CB "PRIVATBANK", EDRPOU 14360570, MFO 305299
    • Oschadbank JSC, EDRPOU 00032129, MFO 300465
    • Raiffeisen Bank JSC, EDRPOU 14305909, MFO 380805
    • Joint-stock bank "South", EDRPOU 20953647, MFO 328209
    • JSC "Sens Bank", EDRPOU 23494714, MFO 300346
    • TASKOMBANK JSC, EDRPOU 09806443, MFO 339500
    • AT "PUMB", EDRPOU 14282829, MFO 334851
    • AB "UKRGAZBANK", EDRPOU 3697280, MFO 320478
    • JSC "UNEX BANK", EDRPOU 20023569, MFO 322539
    • JSC "IDEA BANK", EDRPOU 19390819, MFO 336310
    • PJSC "BANK SHID", EDRPOU 26237202, MFO 307123
  • More than 1300 partner companies that accept payment for their goods and services through iPay.ua.
  • PCI DSS is the highest level of security for internet payments.
  • Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode - the service works by the requirements of international payment systems.
  • Pectoral is own development by iPay.ua in the card data protection, which helps to confirm the identity of the cardholder during online payment using an electronic digital signature.

Our achievements:

For its many years of activity, the company has become one of the leading leaders in the Ukrainian online payments.

The company has a license to provide financial services.

More than 500,000 customers monthly use the services on the site iPay.ua

A large audience of users - from 18 to 65 years old

All leading banks work with iPay.ua.

On the iPay.ua website, you can pay for the services of all leading Ukrainian utilities, internet providers, mobile operators, and many other services.

Rates and opening hours

There is no monthly subscription fee on our site. Payment in the form of a commission is taken directly from the payer when he makes a payment.

Current commissions by category

  • Utilities: from 0% to 3%
  • Internet: from 0% to 3.5%
  • Business services: from 0% to 3%
  • Charity: from 0% to 2%
  • Kindergartens: 2%
  • Mobile communications: from 2% to 3%
  • Fines: from 1.5% to 7%
  • Education: from 0% to 2.5%
  • Security: from 0% to 3%
  • Payment to the budget: from 2% to 2.5%
  • Loan repayment: from 0% to 2.6%
  • Insurance: from 0% to 1.6%
  • Television: from 0% to 3%
  • Telephone communications: from 0% to 3%
  • Transport: from 0% to 1%
  • Tourism: from 0% to 3%
  • Transfer by details: 2%+4 UAH to 1500 UAH or 2.5% of 1500 UAH

Current service tariffs iPay.ua

Work schedule

  • Working hours of LLC "UPR": 09:00 - 18:00
  • Working hours of technical support: 09:00 - 21:00
  • Operating hours of LLC "UPR": 24/7
  • Working and operating hours of commercial agents of LLC "UPR": 08:00 - 22:00
  • The maximum time for executing a payment transaction is 3 business days from the date of receipt of funds from the payer to the LLC "UPR" settlement account.

Financial license

The company UNIVERSAL DATA CENTER LLC, which is the owner of the iPay.ua service, signed a cooperation agreement with the payment institution UNIVERSAL PAYMENT SOLUTIONS LLC.

UNIVERSAL PAYMENT SOLUTIONS LLC is a payment institution registered in the manner prescribed by the legislation of Ukraine, which provides services on the basis of NBU License dated May 1, 2023 No. 21/788-rk.

Owners of significant part of UPS LLCC as of 01.04.2023

Final key participants of UPS LLC 01.04.2023

Schematic representation of UPS LLC 01.04.2023

Internal documents

Anti-corruption program

Internal rules

The order of interaction with consumers and consideration of appeals

Regulations on the processing of personal data of counterparties

Code of conduct for employees

Limits for payment transactions for transferring funds


Agreement on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account to mobile application users «TAXI838» dated 15.06.2024

Agreement on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account to mobile application users «UTAX838» dated 01.02.2025

Agreement on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account to mobile application users «UTAX838» dated 15.06.2024

Agreement on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account to users of the online service «OPTI DRIVER» dated 01.02.2025

Agreement on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account to users of the online service «OPTI DRIVER» dated 25.07.2024

Agreement on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account to users of the online service «OPTI» dated 25.07.2024

Agreement on provision of services on transfer of funds without opening an account to users of the online service "Uklon Driver" dated 01.02.2025

Agreement on provision of services on transfer of funds without opening an account to users of the online service "Uklon Driver" dated 15.11.2023

Agreement on provision of services on transfer of funds without opening an account to users of the online service "Uklon" dated 15.11.2023

Agreement on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account to mobile application users «OnTaxi Driver: керуй, заробляй» dated 25.07.2024

Agreement on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account to users of the service «ONTAXI» dated 25.07.2024

Agreement on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account to carriers who are users of the service ТАКСІ БОНД dated 23.05.2024

Agreement on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account to carriers who are users of the service ТАКСІ БОНД dated 01.02.2025

Agreement on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account to carriers who are users of the service ТАКСІ БОНД dated 23.05.2024

Agreement on provision of services on transfer of funds without opening an account to users of the digital mobile services platform "Kyiv Digital" (offer)

Agreement on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account using the «Chaykom» service

Agreement on the provision of funds transfer services without opening an account using POS-terminals